26 °F
Wind: 17 MPH
Humidity: 63 %
Feels like: 13 °F
Spring Creek Classic
- 8:30am -11:30am T-Times
- 7:00am -10:00am T-Times
- Champion’s Shoot Out (Following Play)
Entry Fees
- $130/ Season Passholder + guest ($260/Team)
Entry Deadline is Wednesday, July 13th @ 5:00pm
- Two-Person Teams, Separate Men, Women and Senior Divisions
- Senior Division Qualification: 85+ Combined Age and Handicap
- Women’s: 80+ Combined Age and Handicap May Play Blue Tees
- One team member must be a Hart Ranch Season Pass Holder(both can be, but one must be)
- Each player must have a current USGA Handicap (GHIN)
- Each player must be 18 years of age or older
- Men’s Division
- Saturday – 9 Holes Best Ball, 9 Holes Modified Chapman
- Sunday – 9 Alternate Shot, 9 Holes Scramble
- Women’s Division
- Saturday – 9 Holes Best Ball, 9 Holes Modified Chapman
- Sunday – 9 Holes Alternate Shot, 9 Holes Scramble
(Top Finishers in each flight will play for the overall Title in an Alternate Shot Format.)