Partly Cloudy
1 °F
Wind: 5 MPH
Humidity: 93 %
Feels like: -9 °F
Lance Fuegen Golf Tournament
2 Person Scramble
Entry fee includes golf, the famous Nacho Bar, a keg, pin prizes, cash payouts and final derby.
If you don’t golf and want to come out and celebrate Lance with some nachos and beverages and friendship, tickets for dinner are $20.00 and will also go to benefit Inheritance of Hope.
The proceeds go to Inheritance of Hope. It was an organization that our family received a great benefit from with a Legacy Retreat. It is an organization that supports families and children of terminally ill parents. I am very proud that Madi continues to be a strong part of the Inheritance of Hope Family, by traveling with families, leading support groups of young adults and young children, as well… and she will have literature and other information on this wonderful organization.