NSU Football Scramble
* All men play will be from the WHITE TEES. Ladies from the RED TEES
* Please record your score on each hole using the Golf Genius app on your phone. Please get the GGID from the Registration Table.
* Format ~ Scramble: All four players tee off and choose the best shot. Every team member, hits from the selected spot. The procedure is repeated until the ball is holed out. EVERY PLAYER HITS EVERY SHOT.
*Hole 13 is CLOSED!! Please put down a Par for your Group and Move onto hole 14. Playing as a Par 4. Thanks
* The ball may be moved one club length no closer to the hole. The ball must remain in the same cut of grass; i.e. a team cannot move the ball from the rough to the fairway, fringes to green, or out of a bunker. On the putting green, the ball may be moved one putter head length no closer to the hole.
* The team champion will be decided by a USGA scorecard playoff, Using last nine holes, last six holes and finally the last hole. If still tied, Repeat using the front nine score.