Spring Shamble 23
2-Player Teams
Scramble/Best Ball Format
Both players tee off and choose best drive. Each player then plays own ball in, take best score for hole.
Peoria Handicapping
Open Division (At Least 1 Player Under 55, Orange Tees)
Senior Division (Both Players Over 55, Orange, Hybrid, or Green Tees)
Rule of 85 (age + HDCP index = 85) Player will play Hybrid Tees
Rule of 100 (age + HDCP index = 100) Player will play Green Tees
Couples Division (Orange and Green Tees)
Rule of 85 (age + HDCP index = 85) Player will play Hybrid Tees
Rule of 100 (age + HDCP index = 100) Player will play Green Tees
Rule of 80 (age + HDCP index = 80) Player will play Blue Tees
Each division must have a minimum of 5 teams or that division will go into the open division.